LORD, Fill This Room with Praise for You

LORD, fill this room with praise for You.

  Let Your mercy flow like fountains.

  Send Your Word like rain on mountains.

It returns forever true.

Build Your church from hearts made new.

  As we gather for His story,

  make disciples for Your glory.

LORD, fill the Earth with praise for You!

Robert E. Benton, Jr.

1 Peter 2:4-5

Select an Arrangement

This hymn asks God to glorify Himself by filling our sanctuaries, nations, homes, minds, and hearts with his praise. The hymn is suitable for use in building dedication services, mission conferences, and general evangelism.

The hymn is in SATB piano score (hymn) format for congregational singing, choral singing, ensemble, or solo; whether acapella, or with piano accompaniment. 


Purchase the sheet music for $2.99 from Sheet Music Plus

If undecided about purchasing a copy, consider downloading a sample copy for evaluation and letting me know what you think at TRUSTHYMN@yahoo.com.

If you would prefer to view in larger format before downloading a PDF copy, please check out the slide show of trust him free samples on the homepage.



Please let us know of any interest in using these hymns in your worship service.


All hymns (text and music) contained or embedded in these pages are copyrighted by Robert Benton, all copyrights, mechanical rights, and performance rights reserved. To purchase sheet music follow the links within these pages. Note that a performance license is not required for “performance… in the course of services at a place of worship or other religious assembly” per US Code Title 17 section 110. However, any copies of words or music made for use in the worship service must be legally purchased or otherwise licensed by the copyright owner. Contact TrustHymn@yahoo.com to discuss licensing for copies, recordings, or performances.

All photographs by Robert Benton, paintings by Dorothy Benton, all image rights reserved.

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