Jesus Said I AM (This Is My Beloved Son), arranged for Elementary Piano

This is My Beloved Son

  with Whom I am pleased.

    Listen, listen, listen to Him!

  and Jesus said I AM He

  I told you I AM He!

Robert E. Benton, Jr.

Matthew 17:5; John 6:35; 8:12,24,28; 10:7,9,11,14,15; 11:25-27; 14:6; 18:4-8

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This hymn recounts many of the metaphorical invitations that Christ made to come to the Father through Him, as recorded in the gospel of John, where Jesus introduces each passage by saying “I AM…”, echoing God’s self-revealed name, YHWH, from Exodus 3:13-15 (note that YHWH is often transcribed into English using all capital letters “LORD” or alternatively in some versions as “Jehovah”). The chorus places each of Jesus’ “I AM” statements in the context of the LORD’s voice from heaven at the mount of transfiguration, as recorded in Matthew 17, which declares the Father’s love for his Son and commands us to listen to Him. Many attempt to deal with Christ as merely a great teacher, but do we listen to what this great teacher has taught? In full obedience to the command to listen to Christ, we should consider what he has said about himself, including at His betrayal in the garden where he says “I AM He… I told you… I AM He!”

The composer has arranged this version of hymn for elementary piano with an alternate teacher’s duet. Full lyrics are available as a benefit to the entire family.  


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Version with student only:

Version with student and teacher duet:


Please let us know of any interest in using these hymns in your worship service.

All hymns (text and music) contained or embedded in these pages are copyrighted by Robert Benton, all copyrights, mechanical rights, and performance rights reserved. To purchase sheet music follow the links within these pages. Note that a performance license is not required for “performance… in the course of services at a place of worship or other religious assembly” per US Code Title 17 section 110. However, any copies of words or music made for use in the worship service must be legally purchased or otherwise licensed by the copyright owner. Contact to discuss licensing for copies, recordings, or performances.

All photographs by Robert Benton, paintings by Dorothy Benton, all image rights reserved.

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