Happy Advent 2023!

Great Expectations The promise first given in Genesis 3:15 was unfolded in each new covenant with Noah (Genesis 9:8-17), Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 15:18), Moses (Exodus 20:1-21), David (2 Samuel 7:12-16), and the promise of the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34) until Christ was born (and just to make sure we did not miss the point, HeContinue reading “Happy Advent 2023!”

Embracing Freedom

The high cost of freedom Recently, I had the opportunity to visit the National Mall (okay, so my flight was cancelled and the train only costs $6). Other than flying home, my main interest was in visiting the art museum. However, I decided to check out some of the monuments when I discovered that theContinue reading “Embracing Freedom”

Happy Thanksgiving 2022!

A few questions for the readers What motive empowers your gratitude this year? Is it family, friends, pets, trinkets and toys, a sense of success, or maybe a new understanding? Don’t be afraid to drop a comment for others to read, or it would also be okay to simply consider these questions in your heart.Continue reading “Happy Thanksgiving 2022!”

Reformation Day 2022

Happy Reformation Day! It is widely-believed that five-hundred-and-five years ago today the German monk Martin Luther posted his Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences on the Wittenberg church door, also known as his Ninety-Five Theses, and with the help of the printing press, the rest is history. Of course, Luther never knew aboutContinue reading “Reformation Day 2022”

Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year! Taking the advice of my eldest daughter, I have decided to start using the post feature for my website more often. That’s right, I’m only about 20 years late on starting my Web Logging career. Worth the wait? In retrospect, I am about 30 years late on continuing my songwriting career, soContinue reading “Happy New Year 2022”

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