Leaping and Praising God

A day that I had been fearing for some time now has come and gone without incident. In fact, it was just yesterday. Happy Belated Leap Day 2024! I am only off a day because… never mind. Leap day is certainly proof that smart phones are a net good for society. Sure, we can’t sitContinue reading “Leaping and Praising God”

Give Me Libretti or Give Me Verse

Ackshually, …maybe just give me verse …because I would prefer to write text for hymns and do not (at this point) have a sense of calling or talent for writing text for an opera. I have enjoyed writing verse since my days as a “what–ever” Gen-X high school student. Back in the day, some friendsContinue reading “Give Me Libretti or Give Me Verse”

Finding Missing Pieces

It all started coming together as I began to see how the buildings connected to each other and to the roads. The kids and I had spent weeks finding parts of flowers, wheels, windows, doors, riverboats, and cast-iron railing that indicated relationships between pieces here and there. We had built large blocks of pieces intoContinue reading “Finding Missing Pieces”

Copyright and the Law of Love

The power of congress to promote Progress of Science and useful Arts through establishment of copyright law is included in the supreme law of the land (article 8, clause 8). According to the US Copyright Office, the origin of copyright law extends further back to 10 April 1710 with the Statute of Anne. However, inContinue reading “Copyright and the Law of Love”

No Excuses Not To

We all probably have reasons not to… Not to write music, that is. Perhaps you are too busy. If you are too busy, consider whether your lived priorities match your desires. Maybe you simply don’t want to write music. That would be fine. Following God’s call to pursue the best ways to exercise the talentsContinue reading “No Excuses Not To”

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