Happy Thanksgiving 2022!

A few questions for the readers

What motive empowers your gratitude this year? Is it family, friends, pets, trinkets and toys, a sense of success, or maybe a new understanding? Don’t be afraid to drop a comment for others to read, or it would also be okay to simply consider these questions in your heart.

A good follow up question is what do you intend to do about it?

Thanksgiving is really just like a high five, if you think about it

For me, I am grateful for the people that God has placed into my life, especially my family. I don’t want to embarrass anyone, but they know who they are.

I am even considering purchasing a few gifts for my family this Christmas. However, it has always been a difficult decision — in fact, you can’t really beat free gifts. That is why I intend to express my gratitude this Thanksgiving by giving away free sheet music to you! It is almost as good as those free hotel pens that my kids have collected over the years. It’s like a high five. I mean, a high five doesn’t really cost you $5, but everyone wins! Unless you leave them hanging.

If you are looking for a free gift for your family this year, but can’t afford the airline tickets or hotel charges associated with free hotel pens, then you really should consider downloading a hymn for your elementary piano student. They will probably give you a well-deserved high five in return.

Of course, this is a limited time offer that will only last for the remainder of the calendar year, so don’t wait. Don’t leave me hanging. I have set up a special limited-time web page that will allow you to download the hymn and print it out for your piano student. This is a password-protected page which you are welcome to access for the remainder of the calendar year with the password “Happy Thanksgiving 2022!”.

If you like the hymn and would be interested in more opportunities like this, contact us and let us know. Suggestions are welcome, and a little encouragement can go a long way. May God bless you and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!


The full set of verses are provided below:

My Soul Declares, "my Lord is great!"
  My spirit leaps and Him adores.
My Savior saw my low estate,
  and blesses me forevermore.  

Now You have done great things for me,
  oh Mighty One with holy name.
Your mercy makes the fearful free,
  with generations, saved from shame.

You scatter those that walk in pride.
  Your holy arms of strength are sure.
You topple kings once dignified,
  and You exalt the humble poor.  

You fill the hungry soul with good,
  while rich men leave with empty hands.
Now grant Your promise understood,
  in mercy, Seed of Abraham.  

My soul declares that You are great!
  My spirit leaps as I adore!
Your grace my heart will celebrate
  and love, oh love You more and more!

(c) 2021 Robert E. Benton, Jr.

Please visit https://TRUSTHYMN.wordpress.com/ to learn more about our hymns. Don’t miss out on finding your new favorite hymn!

Also, ministers and church musicians should submit a message using our website to inquire about obtaining a free license to copy, present, and sing these new hymns in worship services at your church.

2 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving 2022!

  1. I like your high five 🤦🏼‍♀️
    My friend recently told me that she read this emoji was high five 🙏🏻
    So, I guess, I’m praying and high fiving at the same time.
    It amazes me to see creative musical talent. I know God has blessed you with this. You have written music since you were a child. That you can create the music AND the lyrics just blows my mind 🤯.
    Then I got to thinking that you have the ability to use the analytical side of your brain as well as the creative, artistic side. God has given you many talents and you bless others with them. ❤️


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